martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Flex Camp Miami

Este viernes 6 de Marzo es el Flex Camp aqui en Miami... en realidad estoy bastante emocionado por el evento, hay buenos expositores y algunos de los temas me parecen muy interesantes. El precio.. me parece simbolico, $30.00 con almuerzo incluido.
De las sesiones que mas me interesan estan:
In Search of AOP for AS3 -> Maxim Porges
Spring & BlazeDS Integration -> Jeremy Grelle
Continuous Integration and Flex -> Brian LeGros
Mate Flex Framework -> Laura Arguello


This Friday is the Flex Camp here in Miami. I'm really looking forward to this event. Last year I had a chance to organize with my past company a Flex Camp in Costa Rica (presenting Mike Downey) and it was a great experience.
The price this time is almost symbolic: $30.00 including lunch...
I'm really excited about the following sessions:

In Search of AOP for AS3 -> Maxim Porges
Spring & BlazeDS Integration -> Jeremy Grelle
Continuous Integration and Flex -> Brian LeGros
Mate Flex Framework -> Laura Arguello

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