viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

After Flex Camp Miami

Flex Camp was very good, I enjoyed looking that much people interested in Flash/Flex/related technologies here in Miami. Saw some nice projects and ideas. Specially loved the speeches from Christian Saylor about "The Art of Story Telling" - UX related - and Brian LeGros talking about continuous integration and some very good ideas for enterprise development in Flex. He sure has a lot of experience in development processes.
After the event was over I had a chance to talk with some of the guys of Universal Mind and with Laura Arguello and Nahuel Foranda who are the creators of Mate a very nice framework for flex, They are very nice guys and of course a Latin Orgullo :) Good work guys!!
Hope to see more stuff like this in Miami... a Flex User Group maybe??

1 comentario:

ivanhoe dijo...

Que gusto que el Flex Camp, haya sido todo un exito!! Estare al pendiente de tu blog.